A few of you have sent me emails or asked questions in comments, so I'll try to answer them here.
How much money would you need to move?/Are you close to meeting your needs for the move?
I'm not close but I'm getting closer with the help provided by you wonderful people. I've broken down my travel needs as such.
New tires for my car: $150
Oil change and check up to make sure car can make it: $50
Small rental trailer for belongings: $70
Gas: $500
Lodging on the way: $100 (I can camp in camp grounds or in my car if
need be, I've done it before. But showers are nice when you're spending
all of your day in a car)
Food: $100
Medications I should fill before I leave: $227.82 (pharmacy is cutting
me a break and doc will write a three month supply to get me through my
benefits kicking in).
Desposit on rental near the new job: $400
Hotel there for the two nights before my rental is ready: $94
And, I'm sure there will be expenses I haven't thought of. I'll need
professional clothes for the new job. Then there's getting all the
things you end up buying to set up a new household. I am already
scouting out the Goodwill stores here for professional clothes.
I know that for some of you, that doesn't sound like a lot of money, but
to me it's the Grand Canyon. It's like, "if I can only make it across
this....things will get easier."
Have you already accepted the job?
I have to let them know on Monday. That's why I'm stressing. If I
can't get there, I can't get there. But, the job is mine if I want it.
I'm afraid to give notice here until I say yes there, but it will be
less than two weeks notice for my job here. It's unprofessional, but
I'd do it just to have the stability the new job promises.
What's the pay at the new job?
Starting pay will be just under $14 an hour. But, I would also get some
limited benefits for the first six months (after two months) and full
benefits after a year. Pay would increase to $15.25 an hour after the
first six months. It works out to about $30,000 a year. I've been
working two jobs to make far less than that as it is now. I could
probably pick up a second part time job to stock money away for the
future if I take the new job.
Have you thought of doing a GoFundMe account?
I looked at that. I really don't know how it works or if it would work
in the time frame I need this to happen. But, if someone here has
advise on how to do it, I would appreciate it.
Are you begging for money, again?
I don't think I've begged before.
In this case, yes, I'm ashamed to admit that I am. I really want to
make this move happen. I've been waiting for a big break like this.
It's a job in my field. It's something that I can build into a
self-sufficient career. I feel like not jumping on this would be wrong
and I'm going to do what it takes, even if it means "begging", to try to
make it work. I KNOW this is sad and pathetic and all of those words
that we use to degrade people on the internet. I wouldn't blame anyone
for taking some offense to my post. I never want to do it again - it's
hard to ask for help and it's degrading to beg. I'm just out of
options. I've been doing the best I can.
Don't stress if you can't help. I am not expecting anything from
anyone. It's only a request. When I was discussing this with a reader
via email, they said, "You never know...maybe there's a wealthy
do-gooder who wants to adopt you!" Ha ha! I just think this is too
important a crossroads in my life to not go all out to try. I will
regret it more if I don't ask for help and the help was there all
along. If you can understand that, thank you. If you can't, then I
get it. Your readership and friendship is enough and it always will be.
Heard any more about your mom's plans?
Honestly, it sounds horrible, but I haven't been worrying about her.
She's going to be taken care of in some fashion between my brother and
the organization (allegedly). She may even marry again. I love her and
am still grieving for her loss, too. But, even if it sounds mean and
un-mournful, I need to worry about my own life now. My bogey man is
mostly gone and this is a step towards making my family see that I am
going to be okay despite them and their belief system. As my brother
said, "this is your life! Live it."
New Job Particulars and Help
Written By Andini Muthaharoh on Monday, June 3, 2013 | 11:53 AM
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