Intimations of a New Economic Story
the very real tragedy of our current economy, we need a new economic
story that dispels faulty assumptions about growth, the environment and
our natural resources, and transforms the anti-social power of
self-interested behavior along with the extractive practice of
The new economic story is rooted in the
incontrovertible reality of interdependence—social, ecological, and
spiritual. At the same time, the new story honors cultural freedom and
equality in matters political. The story embraces the value of dynamic
tensions inherent in this construction. The new economic story restores
to money its original purpose, to be put at the service of people who
can use it to serve others, and eliminates the use of money solely to
make more money. An essential part of the story is money as
differentiated transactional functions—purchase, loan, and gift. Each of
these functions has its own qualities that support not only the
continual circulation of money, but also its renewal. The story assumes
that economic activity will generate surplus capital, some appropriate
portion of which will be reinvested in entrepreneurial innovation and
some significant portion will be returned as gift to regenerate culture.
The story is based upon an understanding that all economic
activity is actually initiated by gift, just as each of our breathing
lives is supported at the outset by the gift of nourishment. That fluid
gift is transformed through human development into capacities for new
ideas and recognition of the needs of others. This is a snapshot of how a
healthy culture contributes to economic renewal. Lending helps
implement those economic ideas and the money is quickened by the use of
loan (or gift) proceeds for purchase.
So the story portrays
economic self-renewal through the continual flow and transformation of
money through transactions. Economic life is actually managed
collaboratively or associatively by representatives of all the parties
affected by it. Thus, in the new story everyone’s basic needs are
present, and through the circulation of money our interdependence
becomes transparent and life-affirming. It is fully integrated. It is
not only possible but also necessary for our survival. This is the new
economic story characterized—nothing more than an intimation. It will
take tremendous will, steadfastness of purpose, and an endless supply of
social tact and grace to bring about this transformation. But first it
is important to understand the intentions of the story itself, so it can
support coherent action and be told compellingly to others.
deeper into the current economic story surfaces lots of apparently
disconnected pieces. The story is laden with an abundance of
impenetrable shadow elements and sorely lacking in the brilliant light
of the possible. The story the media tells includes, but is not limited
to: free markets as the primary approach to the world’s problems; the
benefit of competition regardless of its consequences; and, the
inevitability of inequity and the value of accumulated wealth. The more I
hear the story the more fictional, even cynical, it appears as the
evidence of its rampant and unethical self-interest accumulates. I also
suspect I am not alone in suffering dissonance as I live within a
storied system that appears to be crumbling, while working to support
the emergence of a new one, or, at least, one that operates on a
drastically revised set of principles.
To see this emergence as a
transformation rather than replacement of the old presents a problem.
Transformation assumes an interconnected inter-influential world in
which the potential new forms must lie somewhere within the existing
one. To see this potential requires acceptance of it all, even the
shadows. However, the economic story I tell myself is neither one of
good versus bad, nor of suspended judgment. It is instead one that
transforms: assumptions about to direct experience of; power over to
responsibility with; and, self-interest into service to.
of the stories I am told about economics are based upon the dynamic of
polarities, the haves and have-nots, management and labor, supply and
demand, red and blue. This model of dualistic thinking has a long
history in Western culture, but it no longer serves if the non-material
world of thoughts, feelings, and intentions is to be taken seriously. To
this day we are still teaching that our world is constructed around
managing polarities. Faucets run hot and cold, batteries have positive
and negative poles, gender is defined as male or female—a small sample.
At a material level these dualities serve as nothing more than
identifiers or locators. They really have very little to do with how we
make meaning out of experience; instead, meaning emerges through the
interaction of multiple polarities. When we sense temperature, or
electric current, or the human psyche, we are looking at
indicator-concepts that acknowledge a field created through the
co-presence and movement of polarities. For example, though I am male, I
am aware of both masculine and feminine qualities that operate within
my character and inform my interactions with the world.
If we are
to have a new economic story, it will require a shift in thinking that
sees money in the same light—as an indicator-concept, an energetic
field, which is not a thing or commodity but rather a circulating
measure and store of value which itself arises from the relationship
between unused resources and unmet needs in economic life. The
essential point is: If we are to transform the current economic story to
a new one, whether you agree with my telling of it or not, we are going
to have to change our thinking to include the notion that every
material matter has a non-material counterpart; and, further, that each
of us stands as measure of the dynamic energy field that arises from
their constant interactions. How we choose to act as economic beings,
individually or collaboratively, can transform the economic story, and
at the same time, bring positive change to culture and the processes of
governance as a by-product. Such is the power of story.
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» Intimations of a New Economic Story
Intimations of a New Economic Story
Written By Andini Muthaharoh on Monday, June 3, 2013 | 11:52 AM
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